Regan's Reach 4: Avarice Read online

Page 4

  [And Regan?] The mind intrusion came gently – the gracious lady.

  [Yes Hilary?]

  [We also have the command crew meeting tomorrow afternoon. With only two weeks to go before departure we need to coordinate. You should allow time to prepare.]

  [Thank you Hil, I will, but do please remind me if I forget.]

  [Will do.]

  She pounded on, a glance to the side reassuring her that Leah was still happy and her thoughts quickly returned to the operation.

  [Ham, we need to talk about Jared, and getting it done.]

  [I've been ready to go for a while; you know that, it's you who's been procrastinating.]

  [Well, regardless of that, we need to do it now if he's going to be ready, but I'd still like a sit down talk with you first, you know I'm not comfortable with things.]

  [If we are going to talk about the operation, Jared should be there.]

  [I'm not so sure Ham; I think you and I should decide this.]

  [Are you mad Regan? The boy is thirteen going on thirty and we're messing with his head. There is no question he should be in on the decision making. Look - I know why you're reluctant, but you don't need to worry, it's the outcome that's important.]

  [Yeah right - but you two always gang up on me. Ham, if there are decisions on what you're going to do I don't think it should come down to a vote.]

  [Regan you're right, it shouldn't be a vote it should be a decision, Jared's decision. It's his mind and his body, he should decide.]

  She ran on, thinking deeply about Ham's words and hardly noticing that she had picked up the pace in her tension. Effortlessly Leah matched her, wondering what was going on in that computer brain.

  [Okay, Ham, we'll discuss it tonight. You set things up with Jared please, I'm going to be busy throughout the day.]

  [Regan, relax, we're doing the right thing; I have great plans and I'm sure he'll be excited.]

  [That's what worries me.]

  They were coming to the gym exit now and Leah broke into a final withering sprint. Regan let her go, watching the trim figure open up the gap while already anticipating the relaxing warm down and shower. Marin would be there waiting, she knew, and at just the thought she began her own sprint to the finish line.

  Ham, not needing to shower, had already displaced to the earthward flight decks for a meeting with Brian, his operant extraordinaire. Marin had wandered through to the private showers to wait for the girls while Jared, having hardly worked up a sweat strolled through to the gym.

  Not being a school day, Jared found more children there than normal and he scowled, knowing the unwanted attention that would come his way from the younger ones. He could also see there were fewer adults working out than normal and guessed most of the regulars had avoided the gym rather than share with the kids. Certainly he knew the grav free room would be an adult free area today and he determined to avoid it himself, not interested in playing. Moving to the bench press a scuffle by the changing rooms caught his attention. Curious he peered through the other gym goers to make out what he could.

  There were two older boys, a tall Coran he knew only by sight and his usual partner in crime, the odious human, Gabriel Bishop or 'Gabe' as he liked to be called. Bishop was a bully, usually of much younger boys; however if he could gather support his attentions occasionally extended to those from Jared's year. It didn't bother Jared particularly as they avoided him and with good reason as the son of the founder was not one to touch. Jared however longed for Gabe to try. They seemed to be dragging a boy to the grav room and he stretched up to try and make out who it was . . . and froze; it was Ruben, Aaron's son.

  None of this had escaped the attention of Hilary who always monitored proceedings as with everything on station, never letting things get too out of hand but always trying to leave space for the normal rough and tumble of life and relationships. She tracked Jared now as he calmly began a stealthy slide through the exercising crowd like a cat on the hunt. His look made her wonder whether preemptive intervention might be required, however in her moments of dithering he was suddenly there and she decided to watch instead. It wouldn't be too late to stop them if she needed to.

  "What are you doing?" Jared asked nicely and the two older boys hesitated in their steps, turning to see who was speaking.

  Ruben recognized the voice and desperately appealed for help. "Jared, they're going to kick me around." He wrestled against the arm holding him but it was hopeless in the Coran’s strong grip.

  Bishop cuffed the boy and barked at Jared to back off. "Piss off Stein, we're just having some fun." He then stepped forward placing himself between them. While the bully boy was heavier and seventeen, neither fact impressed Jared too much. The Coran however was an unknown quantity, taller and surprisingly heavy in his build for a Gliese system native. Jared guessed he was probably a year older than Bishop and judging by the vacant look he constantly wore, not the brightest candle burning in the Coran ranks. He dismissed the Coran for the moment and turned his attention to Bishop.

  "Gabriel, I think you should let him go, he clearly doesn't want to play."

  Bishop sneered. "You're missing the point Stein; I said we're having some fun." He laughed at his little joke with a conspiratorial glance to his tall friend.

  Jared appeared unfazed. "And you have missed my point Gabe, I think you should let him go, he clearly doesn't want to play."

  Bishop looked back at his friend and then returned his gaze to Jared, sneering. "What are you going to do about it little man, there's one of you and two of u . . ."

  He collapsed to his knees, with his breath gone and the ability to draw a fresh one removed from him. The short sharp punch to the solar plexus had driven the air from the boy's lungs and he rolled forward, with pained grunts and futile intake attempts. Jared turned to the Coran with calm deliberate purpose.

  "And then . . ." he paused for effect, "there was one." Jared let the words hang.

  The tall boy dropped Ruben's arm and squared off. "You think you can beat me, Stein?"

  Jared smiled disarmingly, "Oh - I don't need to beat you; your problem is that I'm not afraid of you hurting me. But while you're trying to do that, I'm going to deliver a power of hurt to you. The question you need to ask is - is the effort worth it?"

  The youth glowered at him and then down at his friend, still bunched up on the ground. He hesitated a few seconds and then shoved Ruben in the back pushing him forward into Jared. He glared for a moment then snarled, "You'll keep Stein." It was unconvincing and he knew it but he didn't wait, skulking away to the grav room.

  Ruben looked down at Bishop and emboldened by Jareds presence kicked the boy hard, clearly wishing to make a point.

  Jared crouched. "You will feel better in a while Gabe. In future, don't bully my friends, okay. Remember I can come at you from any angle at any time and you will never know when; I won't hesitate to do it, believe me."

  Hilary had followed the action with delight. She chuckled to herself and stored the file for Ham as she always did when such encounters occurred. He would be pleased of course; in his view Jared was coming along juuust nicely.

  * * *

  Regan rolled from the bed, taking care not to disturb Leah who was sleeping soundly. Perching for a moment on the edge she listened for a time to the quiet breathing, more a purr she thought and gave thanks for a partner who slept quiet as a mouse. Slipping away she entered the bathroom and padded the door closed behind her, pausing as it clicked shut and then leant back to consider her warm state of mind. Leah, Marin, Ham . . .

  She made a brief toilet stop and then stepped under the nozzle while touching the pad for water starting the familiar, glorious torrent. Rotating slowly under the flow her mind shifted to consider the scheduled meeting with Tihan in Gliese, the likely agenda and what her instincts told her. Will I need support?

  [Ham, do you want to come through with me - actively I mean, not just backed up?]

  [Do you want me to?]

do Ham, it would be good to have an extra set of eyes and ears there, just take a back seat though as we need to let him talk.]

  [I don't get why it's always a problem anyway, why would my being there be a problem for anyone talking, and what are they afraid of with me?]

  [I don't think it’s fear babe, they just feel a little intimidated by you over there and Tihan in particular always defers to you. Anyway, let's not go there now okay, just come with me and sit in the background. Clearly he has concerns, and we need to know why.]

  [Okay, no problem, you know it's always my preference to be there with you anyway.]

  [I know, and I appreciate you've been giving me space alone lately. So, are we ready, it'll only be for the morning?]

  [Let's do it.]

  Regan smiled, going with Ham as an active partner as opposed to a passive stored backup was always a confidence booster. She slipped on her ship suit and headed for the small room off Control, now redesigned for just this purpose. Without a word Hilary opened the various doors as she walked and her passage there was swift. Entering she took the wide, comfortable seat, and relaxed as it quickly molded around her body. She knew it would soon begin massaging gently to keep her loose while she slept and she reflected on the security she enjoyed knowing her complete self remained here safe whatever she was doing on the other side of the galaxy. If the worst happened, some cyber attack on her digital self perhaps, at least her body, processor and intact right brain would still be here ready for a fresh download of her cyber back up. There was little risk.

  Shuffling into the seat to make herself comfortable she could feel the massage starting and she surrendered to the ministrations, closing her eyes and readying for the transfer.

  [Are we ready babe?] She checked with Ham again.

  [Yo!] He replied.

  And they were gone.

  Hilary sighed with pleasure as she so enjoyed this role. She adjusted the massage function of the chair in a gentle process which she always lovingly managed and at the same time released a mild narcotic. It was something pleasant and non addictive that would keep Regan's right brain tired and happy for the next few hours. The suit would take care of any wastes.

  * * *

  Gliese System, Tihan Orbital

  It took only a moment for the transfer to Gliese. As Regan's avatar opened her eyes she immediately smiled in recognition of the scene and particularly her host. The conference room of Tihan Orbital Palace was very familiar; however it had been some time since she had seen Tihan present himself as an avatar sage. Whenever Ham was present Tihan would normally choose the young soldier form in a mark of respect to the older Mind. But not today, and Regan could sense the chosen form was partly for her but also because in this visage Tihan felt most confident and comfortable. She leant across the conference table and extended her hand which he reached for and took gratefully; drawing something from her and sucking it in like a tonic.

  She exuded love and confidence to the Orbital Mind and he seemed to swell as she did so, finally taking what looked to all appearances to be an impossible breath and exhaling whatever tension he had felt. Regan sat back in her chair and waited.

  "Thank you for coming Regan, I am uncomfortable about this but I need advice from you, and urgently." Tihan shuddered with embarrassment as he spoke.

  "Yes, your message indicated problems but you have no need to be embarrassed, if that is your concern."

  The sage seemed to deflate for a second before bracing his hands on the table and gathering strength.

  "On the contrary mistress, I have every reason for embarrassment and shame, I have gambled and lost, and now the very independence of my Orbital is at stake. Regan, it is your business advice I need, before everything is exposed to the system."

  As he spoke Regan could sense Ham's departure, a sliding sensation as he drifted away with Tihan completely oblivious. She remained neutral about Ham's departure, instead radiating concern to the sage. "My good friend, tell me - what has happened?"

  His head sagged in despair. "What has happened, dear Regan, is that I have found there are more ways to lose an Orbital than by force of arms. On my recommendation we gambled heavily on alternative forms of energy. Reubus has quite legitimately purchased all the main refiners of exotic matter in this system, something he's been working on for some time. Although I saw it happening I gambled that our own developments in alternative energy would make that market redundant. Regan, we are making progress on our developments but too slowly, and in the meantime we are drastically exposed. We still need exotic insertion tubes but the price has soared and now we're heavily in debt. Thankfully Reubus has been very generous, offering reasonable credit for a share of our developments and trading debt for equity in Orbital businesses. But the net result is we could end up owning nothing of note in our own realm. Even business owners who owe nothing are tempted to sell out at the prices Reubus is prepared and able to offer. Many are taking the funds and planning on joining the rush to your system, or even trying to buy their way to Rigel."

  Regan frowned at that. "Well that's not going to work; we're not selling tickets to Rigel, and it's not what going there is all about." She hesitated while thinking about what he had said; more talk here would be fruitless she knew.

  "Tihan, do you want me to talk to Reubus on your behalf, I'm sure he isn’t aiming to take over, why would he?"

  "I agree Regan, he has only been helpful and he assures me he has no such aims. Of course he would never actually own Tihan Orbital, but Regan, if we don't control our own energy, or our key industries, well," and his gestures indicated resignation, ". . . then we don't control our own destiny."

  Regan stood and began to pace the room. Tihan followed her movements with a desperate look as if he hoped she would produce some miracle. She stopped suddenly, a thought occurring to her.

  "Are the other Orbitals affected like this?"

  Tihan shrugged. "I manage Cora Orbital as you know, they have less demand for the energy but in time, as they expand those demands or need to replace exotic matter tubes of course they will face the same issues. Acura and Fifino seem to have some arrangement with Reubus. I don't know the details but I understand they are paying some kind of tax in exchange for energy supplies. The new Fifino - the replacement since Ham . . ." and Tihan made a throat cutting action, apparently Ham's method of despatch of the traitorous forebear, "well, Fifino is junior and easily influenced. Dahlia is less worried. They have good supplies of insertion ready tubes in reserve, plus a huge solar energy industry and I understand she took a position in one of the plants Reubus was trying to buy. She held out while others sold and although a minor player she certainly has the needs of the Orbital covered."

  Regan couldn't contain her smile at the Dahlia news but quickly clamped down on it in light of Tihan's fragile disposition. "Tihan, I will speak to Reubus but you must be aware his moves seem quite legitimate and legal. All I can do is try to establish his aims and get back to you. In the meantime, might I suggest you forward to me the work you have done on alternative energy. We may be able to build on it and help you that way, you never know."

  He looked concerned at the suggestion. "Well, we couldn't just give it to you."

  Regan was speechless for a moment, her exasperation obvious. "Tihan, you have just said you fear losing control of your own Orbital. And if that process continues Reubus will eventually have the technology anyway. Who would you rather be working with, Reubus or me? Think about it carefully. I'll meet with Reubus as I said, and then I'm returning home. If you want help from me Tihan, you will need to transfer that data to me before we leave. I may not be back for quite a few periods."

  "You are leaving for Rigel?"

  "Yes, within two periods, around fourteen days from now."

  The sage nodded sadly. "I will confer with the Premier and get back to you."

  * * *

  Reubus Orbital

  Reubus responded with delight to Regan's message; of course he would be availab
le. She considered calling for Ham but he was strangely silent so she made the jump to the Orbital anyway, her ability to accurately direct the path of travel growing with each successive leap. The physics of these jumps still escaped her but the process was so simple it proved ridiculously easy to adapt.

  If only it was this easy to physically jump. And that was the challenge, to get to Orion, or Gliese, or wherever with ships and people faster, certainly trips reduced to weeks or months, not generations.

  Her avatar emerged in his large study and Regan was relieved to find Reubus alone there, but not in the form expected. The Orbital Mind chose to present in a stunningly handsome android and on her appearance he bowed, gesturing to a female form reclined on a couch to the side. It was clearly designed for her and he seemed wonderfully happy at the visit.

  "Regan, I'm so glad you came. It has been weeks since you were here, please join me in a meal and wine, aren't these androids wonderful?" He gestured again, hopefully, at the form on the couch.

  Regan shuddered at the obvious intentions but smiled disarmingly. "Thank you Reubus, but no, another time perhaps, I am under time pressure as always." The look of disappointment on the android face spoke volumes and she immediately smiled again warmly. "My friend, I will be back soon, and yes we will set aside some time then."

  His demeanor at the concession picked up considerably and he took the seat opposite, again offering her the couch and so she sat, taking a place beside the quite attractive female android. Like her it was also dressed she in a skintight suit and did look somewhat like her. Quite fetching, she thought, but nevertheless she shuffled a little further to the side, feeling better for the distance.

  She then gave him her most engaging smile. "I'm so pleased you were available my friend, I really just wanted to connect with you, especially as I hear you have been doing so well; I understand business is thriving?"