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Regan's Reach 4: Avarice Page 5
Regan's Reach 4: Avarice Read online
Page 5
"Oh yes Regan, this freedom to do business we all enjoy now, it offers such opportunities and I'm sure you'd be pleased. There are so many inefficiencies around the various Orbitals; so much time and effort wasted. With free trade and the ability now to merge inter Orbital businesses I've been consolidating and expanding my interests." He slid forward on his chair and leaned toward her as if trying to bridge the gap and she had the impression he would leap on her if she had a physical form; it was almost predatory.
Reubus took on a conspiratorial look. "You know that we, you and I - we could establish a great business partnership if we merged . . ." and he hesitated subtly while holding seductive eye contact. "Together we would have the largest business in two systems, and who knows where that could lead?"
Regan hesitated, considering how best to reply. Stay neutral, stay neutral. "Hmm, and what of the other Orbitals? What of their independence and freedom to operate, how would they survive?"
He smiled reassuringly, "No one would be taking away their independence Regan; in fact we're offering expertise to help businesses thrive, for a share of the action of course, which is only fair. And if the share they retain ends up worth more than the original whole isn't that good for everyone? Honestly Regan, some people shouldn't even be in business. Often I find things can be done so much better and at much lower cost. The consumer will benefit with better pricing and it is good for the business in terms of efficiencies and profitability. And yes, of course I, or we . . ." he looked up again hopefully, ". . . we then benefit too. Regan, you and I, we could be partners and it would yield such fruit; it might be fun." His eyes were again drawn as if by magnet to the female android, a longing lustful look that Regan did her best to ignore.
"I have partners, Reubus," she replied.
"Ah, what you say so encourages me; you don't dismiss the idea out of hand and that gives me hope." He smiled again, quite the charmer.
Despite herself she couldn't help responding in kind and smiling warmly. "Reubus, business is one thing, personal life is another. You know that I am very happy with my partners." It was shameless but Regan wasn't averse to using her own charms to flush out extra information.
He laughed. "Of course, I understand, you have partners at home . . . in the Earth system. But you can't blame a Mind for hoping, can you? You have so much to share," and then he couldn't help himself, glancing once again at the android, "Gliese would benefit so much from you being here more."
Regan teasingly stroked the leg of the female form beside her and she could see Reubus shiver uncontrollably. "I must go for now; Reubus please, if you care for me go easy on Tihan, you have so much already; do you really need more?"
He settled back and smiled patronizingly. "Tihan yes, I love him like a brother and I respect his ability to organize and manage, but Regan he knows nothing of business and . . . you probably don't know but he has made so many poor decisions. For you, my dear, I will help him as much as I can, but in some ways acquiring businesses there is the best way to do it. Some would say it is a kindness."
Regan stood and nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Do what you can Reubus, for me, and I will think on the things you have said."
"I can ask no more." he replied, rising to take her extended hand, a cyber haze seeming to enshroud the android arm as he did so, reaching above the skin to meld with her essence.
He seemed to draw something and she willingly let it pass, watching his eyes glaze over for a moment in ecstasy before she dissolved in gentle fading light leaving him standing there alone.
* * *
Dahlia Orbital
They reunited in a favorite cyber construction on Dahlia Orbital; Regan, the beautiful man, and the gracious lady. Regan sighed; relieved now to be with those she could be completely open with. What Ham had been up to she would soon find out. What Dahlia/Hilary knew she would also soon know, but for now she was happy to inform.
The greetings over, she reclined in her deck chair on the beach, reflecting on how nice it was to be meeting in this beautiful bay, and reclaiming it as a favorite meeting place they could take anywhere in the Galaxy.
"It was an interesting meeting with Reubus."
"Interesting - how so dear?" Hilary asked.
"Hmm, it would be easier and you'd get a better feel for everything if you experience both meetings for yourself. Feel free to rummage around in here, both of you; do the Tihan meeting first then Reubus, I'd be interested to know what you think."
And she opened to them, a vague sense of shared space coming to her as they updated from her data files, and she joined them, reliving the meetings for the few moments it took but this time as an observer, not a participant. Although she had been instinctively aware of Reubus's solicitous attention on review, as she focused on him his look was unmistakable - it was lust, he wanted her.
"What a shit!" Ham finally exclaimed. "Is there anything more odious than a randy android?"
"Actually, he was very nice Ham, not forceful at all, or odious."
"You're not seriously considering it?"
"No of course not, but for the moment it won't hurt that he's interested." Regan turned to Hilary and noted a slightly wistful look in the gracious lady’s eyes. Putting the observation aside for later she pressed on to the most concerning issue.
"Hilary, what's your take on this, the business thing?"
"Hmm, I've never taken much interest in inter-Orbital politics or business, not until meeting you anyway dear and even now all that's happened is that I look a little further afield in protecting our interests as I see them. I had no idea Tihan had allowed himself to put the Orbital in such a precarious situation. Reubus is right, he's the businessman and he knows how to maximize returns. Tihan is more an administrator and he enjoys it, whereas Reubus would always employ a manager to administrate. Therein lies the difference, Reubus can't really be blamed for that."
Ham shook his head in concern. "That may be true but he will get stronger and stronger if we let him. Perhaps we should have considered this Regan; it may have been remiss of us."
Regan turned slowly to the beautiful man. "Oh . . . so now it's 'we' and 'us', cyber man." She looked stern and then broke into a disarming smile. "Whatever - we need to monitor the situation . . . and Hilary, now that you are fully aware of the situation please be careful. You don't need anyone else to take over your businesses. If you do need help, just call."
"Thank you dear, you know I wouldn't hesitate but I have things in hand."
Regan nodded agreement "Of course, I must say I smiled when I heard you'd already purchased your own energy source. Well done, and Tihan is envious for sure. Plus you at least have your own primary industry; you're already the main exotic food source for the system. How could they do without you and your produce?"
Ham and Hilary exchanged knowing looks, an action that did not escape Regan.
"What am I missing?"
"Regan, think about it, it's only humanoids and other animals who are concerned about food; food isn't important to Reubus, he's a Mind. You can't assume he cares whether humanoids can eat."
Her look changed as the insight dawned on her too.
"Oh . . ."
* * *
Sol System, Hillary Station
The jump back to Hilary Station was instantaneous and uneventful. Regan mused on the thought that she was effectively a data transport now. Ham and Hilary began immediately updating with their local selves as did she, and of course she returned with the alternative energy data from Tihan. She wasted no time passing this on to Aaron, knowing he would need a new challenge soon anyway. The wormhole project was now largely completed and for the time being anyway it was simply a matter of portal construction, anchor placement and refinements. He was delighted to hear about the challenge and received the data with an enthusiasm that as always she found infectious. He and Kutch would work together on the project, the two men happy partners in development as joint Special Projects Directors. They worked together well, with
complementary skills and talents, Aaron being brilliant on the technical side while weak on people. Kutch was strong on the technical but most importantly provided that important people skills link that enabled easy working with every other arm of the organization.
Having lightened her data load Regan's mind drifted back to Gliese, and the expanding Reubus empire.
Perhaps you dominate energy supply for the moment Reubus my friend, but things will change. I would love to even that playing field again.
Twelve days remaining before departure for Rigel.
Where is Jared?
* * *
Brian Timu unslung the hunting rifle and placed it carefully against the twelve point stag he shot earlier. Jared carefully placed his own rifle flat on the rock and but looked less content, staring out over Lake Waikaremoana and not really interested in the view from the top of Panekiri Bluff. His mind was still on his own missed shot from an hour ago and it was eating away at him quietly. He stole occasional envious glances at Brian's kill while saying nothing.
Brian broke the silence. "Mate, breathe out, squeeze the trigger, it works for me."
The boy didn't answer.
Brian grunted in frustration. "Jared, I've missed more deer than you've had hot dinners; get used to it, sometimes you just miss."
The boy kicked at a stone, sending it tumbling into the void and down the cliff face. "I'm just disappointed Sir; we need to head home soon and I was really hoping . . ." He gazed off into the distance wistfully before turning back to the man, "But thank you, this has been great. I really appreciate you bringing me." He kicked at another rock, which ricocheted sideways off the face . . . and nudged his rifle, which began to shift, and slide toward the edge. Scrabbling, Jared dived to grab it, a reckless action on the slope which steepened alarmingly. He quickly lost control with his momentum carrying him forward over the rifle and toward the edge.
As Jared vainly clawed at the rock Brian flung himself forward to grab a trailing hand, just as the boy dropped over the edge. He jerked to a stop there, dangling in space from the strong arm.
"HAM!" Brian yelled painfully. Having landed on Jared's rifle, the butt pressed into his ribs with every swing of the boy's body adding to the misery.
"What are you two up to? This isn't a time for games." The voice boomed in Brian's earpiece.
Looking across the lake Brian could just see the Pod drifting in from the north. It didn't seem to be in any particular hurry.
"Just get here Ham, I can't hold on forever."
"What do you want me to do?" Ham sounded particularly uninterested.
"Well do something; can't you just pop him in there?"
"Hmm, not so easy, how attached are you to that right hand?"
There was a short pause as Brian considered the prospect of losing it in the displacement.
"Very . . . so what would you suggest?"
"Just drop him; he needs to learn a lesson."
"I'm not dropping him."
"Then prepare for application of plan A; in five, four, three . . ."
Brian released the hand and suddenly the boy was falling.
From the Pod Ham watched as Jared initially flailed and then bunched into a ball, turned one full somersault then extended into a perfect swan dive plummeting toward the earth.
"Grrrrrrmmm . . ." a sound like grinding teeth filled the cabin.
In the final second Ham snatched him from the air and deposited the boy in the Pod; he was still smiling.
"Jared, you must be more careful. If you let your attention drift from the job at any time - anything could happen."
"Ha - I knew you wouldn't let me hit the ground."
"But what if I wasn't there boy? I might not always be able to help."
"Oh you'll always be there, we've talked about this."
"Hmm - don't be so sure, your mother is yet to be convinced."
"Then I will decide with you." He was quite definite.
"We will need to get back to Hillary for that discussion, Jared. let's pick up Brian and get underway."
And already the Pod was climbing to nudge in backwards against the cliff top.
"Jared . . ." Ham hesitated. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"
The boy was gazing dreamily into the distance via the high resolution screen.
"Oh yes!" he replied quickly without hesitation.
The doors slid open and Brian entered with the stag over his shoulders and a rifle in each hand. He shrugged the stag to the floor, carefully placed the rifles against the carcass and then thumped Jared hard on the bicep, a short sharp punch that caused the boy to wince.
He glared at the boy and raised one finger in admonition. "Not on my watch . . . okay?" And then he winked.
* * *
They met in the war room, just the three of them like a real family, but with Ham minus his favored android form and instead presenting as the beautiful man. It mattered little, Jared was the focus here and he knew it. He had clearly thought things through, rationally and logically, and he was quite determined.
He took Regan's hands now and met her gaze, waiting to let the full strength of his determination sink in, and then he told her how it was going to be.
"Mom, I understand your concerns, but at the very least this is my rite of passage, the neural web would always have been given to me at this age anyway, and you're already happy for me to have that. Ham will be operating and while he's doing that step, to insert a processer just as he originally did with you makes perfect sense and he has even improved things; you know that. The processer, the speed, the power source; everything is better, and it's what I want. I have only one other change from what Ham has proposed."
Regan felt flat, neutral, switched off, the events out of her hands now and she knew it. She could rationally understand that her fears were over harm coming to Jared and tempting her to try and put the whole procedure off. But at the same time she had no doubt this operation was also part of protecting him; it was a conundrum. Having said that, giving him the neural web was one thing, the implant, the power source . . . this kind of invasive procedure scared the life out of her.
Pushing her feelings aside, numbly she asked, "And the other change you want is?"
"I need some privacy Mom, if Ham is going to be with me, then I want my own Ham."
"I'm sorry," and she looked at the beautiful man, "what does that even mean?"
Ham didn't avoid her look. "Regan, Jared has discussed this with me, and I think we can make this work. He wants me to split. One version with him, still constantly updating but with a cyber wall so that some private areas are screened off, even from . . ." and he hesitated, struggling for the right way to put it, "well, screened off from me. In time, his me will grow with him, while still being linked to us, like a brother perhaps."
Regan looked at him strangely. "And you're comfortable with this?"
"I think so, I guess time will tell."
She shook her head, coming to grips with the idea. "So we'll have two of you, two Ham's, but slightly different?"
"Yes and no Mom," Jared explained excitedly, "my version will be named Mori."
Ham looked off to the side suspiciously.
"Mori?" she asked.
"Yes, Ham told me all about him, it’s short for Moriarty, he was a brilliant character in books in the early twentieth century."
Regan turned to Ham slowly. "Moriarty, really? I take it that was your choice? Did you tell Jared he was a bad guy, a criminal?"
Ham shrugged and raised his hands in surrender. "He was a brilliant mind, what can I say?"
"You couldn't have chosen Sherlock?"
He just looked at her in disgust, "Come on - Sherlock? - really? Do I look like a Sherlock?"
It was over and she knew it, there would be no more discussion. She walked to Jared and hugged him, hard. "So then, when will the operation be?"
Ham's excitement was obvious. "I have Leah organized for tomorrow morning. Everything is in place and I se
e no reason to delay. The sooner we do it the sooner we can get underway to Rigel."
Regan chewed at her lip nervously. "Well, I guess we agree on at least that one thing, tomorrow it is then."
* * *
Medlab, The STEIN Traveler, just off Hillary Station
The hours before the operation had passed quickly. Jared looked up from the gurney and reached for Regan's hand to squeeze it. "Don't worry Mom, Ham's the best, and you're the living proof."
She squeezed back and summoned a tight smile. "See you on the other side babe . . . I love you."
He held on to her hand for a few seconds, and his gaze held her eyes. "You too."And then he lay back as she stepped away from him. Leah came to her then, already garbed and ready and they hugged.
"Don't worry babe, he'll be fine, you know that, and Ham is the best. Regan, you have your fleet crew meeting coming up, focus on that for now, we've got things covered here."
Regan nodded, "You'll sub me if anything . . ."
"Of course, I'll keep you in touch throughout."
One look back and then Regan walked from the room, her mind already shifting to the afternoon meeting. The senior crew from the three vessels would all be present, and it was an opportunity for her to connect with them, to stir the troops. With long established practice she switched her mind off to the operation, suspending belief about the risks and shelving the issue for the moment. A determined look settled on her face and with just a thought command she displaced back to Hillary Station.
* * *
Hillary Station
Regan enjoyed the activity buzzing around her as she walked up the pipe toward the conference room. The corridors seemed much busier these days, with chattering groups moving from room to room, heading for the various meeting or research rooms, cafes and restaurants, gyms and recreation groups. And when schools closed they would be filled with running children heading for apartments or play groups, all able to do so safely in an environment where they knew their benevolent Mind, Hilary, much more than an AI would always monitoring everything. She knew if she bothered to listen in, many in this corridor would be chatting with Hilary via wireless devices and there would be literally thousands of such conversations going on throughout the station. At any one time the gracious lady would be handling everything from special requests, to emergencies to simple friendly banter. Hilary was simply amazing. Somehow, in the midst of all that she always had time for Regan, and like the best assistant in the universe, she always kept her informed.