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Regan's Reach 4: Avarice Page 3
Regan's Reach 4: Avarice Read online
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"I know babe I can read your thoughts remember, when you let me. Aaron was always going to be a groundbreaker, especially working with the research that dandy man provided."
Regan looked thoughtful. "So why can't we see ships travelling in and out of it now?"
He looked at her teasingly, "Because it's not active at the moment doofus! It would take enormous energy to keep the wormholes open all the time so they're only activated on command, and of course there need to be rules on directional flow, can't have two trains traveling toward each other on the same track can we? Plus, the whole route isn't operational yet; they're working on anchoring the last ring off Gliese."
Regan pondered the information for a few minutes, just absorbing it before the enormity of the venture and the danger of construction hit her. "Wow, what a risk it must have been to go through the first time, surely Aaron didn't do it himself?"
"No . . ." Ham's eyes lit up as he had been waiting for her to ask and he looked unbelievably excited. "Oh babe you have so much to find out; are you ready for this? Minds went through first as the risk takers, Minds from Gliese and they did it in androids can you believe it? Adventure seeking, explorer Minds . . . I love it! They built the return portals and have taken every first jump since." Ham looked simply euphoric, delighted to pass on the information and incredibly proud.
Regan sat quietly trying to take it all in. Relax girl, there'll be time enough to learn about all of this.
"You said this is the Gliese path . . . does that mean there are others?"
"It seems so, there's another portal holding station a quarter orbit from here, and it's the first portal to the star Rigel, in the Orion Nebula." He seemed to consider something and turned to her with a look of genuine compassion. "Regan - be patient, it's simply not going to be possible to absorb all the new information now, I can see that. Babe, it's been more than six years since we were here and so much has changed. There are people from every tribe in Gliese working in your solar system now, and there are ships moving constantly between there and here. Reubus has a huge trade delegation visiting Earth right now as we speak and they're preparing for the opening of the Gliese portal line, it's amazing."
"Reubus?" She turned to him with a blank puzzled look. "Who's he?"
The question made him pause for a moment and then he reached across to gently place one hand on hers and squeezed.
"Babe, exactly, you've missed so much while you were away." Somehow he made the time sound like a holiday and then he smiled suddenly gesturing back to the screen. "Now - we need more answers and I think it's time for us to go in - are you sure you're ready?"
She hesitated only a moment, taking one last look at the glorious ring before answering with a confidence that surprised even her, "Yes, I'm ready."
He took her hands. "You understand how we are going to do this; I will merge first, and then there will be a delay, and then when we're ready we'll call for you."
"I understand."
And already the Saucer was moving, picking up speed at astonishing pace, racing for Earth and Hillary Station.
* * *
With the Saucer now nestled securely in its rightful place on the base of the STEIN Traveler the ship looked restored and almost the complete sphere now for the first time in seven years. Only a small coin slot shape marred the overall picture, with one Pod currently away on duties in New Zealand.
Regan's ethereal presence in the Saucer Control seemed lonely now as she waited for news from Ham. She had no desire to leave this space, not yet, and not even exploring the STEIN Traveler would tempt her; instead she stayed where she was, curled up on the seat. This smaller space felt secure, especially after years of loneliness locked in the ADF flight recorder and now months with Ham recovering. The Saucer control, was her womb; at least for the moment. Thankfully she could speak to Hilary who she could tell was being careful in her conversation but nevertheless a wonderful friendly voice. As they chatted Regan looked out via the screen to a completely different Hillary Station.
[This finished station design Hilary; it's not at all what we envisaged all those years ago, what happened to the globe that you planned?]
[Democracy Regan, that's what happened. It seems people like the variety of starscape that the pipe spin offers and even though we don't need to spin for gravity any longer they preferred a world that keeps on turning. I wasn't helped by lobbying from people who referred to my design as the death star]
She could see the central pipe or axle was now encircled by huge rings, each attached by four spokes. Spiraling around the whole structure curled a double helix tube that seemed to link with the pipe at the ends. Tube transports, she guessed.
[How many rings are there?]
[You can't count them?]
[No need to test me Hilary, I'm all here, just running slowly at the moment.]
[There are five . . . was it tough Regan?]
She paused before answering, thinking how best to reply. It only took a small prompt for all the memories to come surging back and some of them she would rather forget.
[From day one it was a nightmare Hilary and that about sums it up. I was stupid . . . I never thought it through really but once I'd decimated Beria's ship and mine I knew pretty quickly what I'd done. I was aware that I was still there, so I hadn't been killed in the collision, and I knew immediately I had to be stored somewhere, trapped. Honestly, I was in a state of absolute panic for days, and then I started building my own little world which was good for a time, and then I started to break down again. It took a while.]
[You're home now Regan, this will go well and everything will seem in a different light in time. The way you feel now, it too will pass.]
[I hope so Hilary, I really do.]
* * *
Saucer Ham opened his eyes to a room he didn't recognize, but to a Regan he most assuredly did. She looked a little older now of course, six years older, more drawn and almost battle hardened, or so it seemed. Nevertheless Ham took his time drinking in the sight of her, the small creases at the edge of her mouth, the small laugh lines at the corner of her eyes, the extra muscle definition of her arms, and that beautiful smile, for him. They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds and he could see the love in her eyes.
"You searched for me . . ." She stood from the bed to go to him where he was seated at the desk and in that fraction of a second he became aware of hands for the first time, and the tangible sense of a torso and legs. He raised the arms to marvel at them and then touched the android hands to his face in wonder as Regan knelt at his feet.
"You amazing man, all that time you were searching for me and you never gave up." He could see a tear in her eye. "To think I have a partner, a friend who would never give up on me like that. Thank you Ham, thank you so, so much."
"You wouldn't have given up on me either." He replied.
"Don't diminish it Ham, I let you down back then by not talking to you, and not taking you into my confidence. This whole thing was of my making and I am so sorry for the consequences and what they meant for you."
A look of concern came over his face as he considered her words. "And there have been consequences for you Regan, this is not going to be easy for you, you know that; you need to prepare yourself."
"I will Ham. Somehow I feel that with you beside me I can get through anything, even this." She looked up into his eyes and smiled.
"I will be there for you babe, always, and you are right, you can get through almost anything. I can tell you - you're an amazing woman."
She hesitated then, with just the slightest change in her expression giving indication that she had something to share, something important. He tensed slightly, wondering what it was and as he did so marveled again at the tangible sense of 'being' that he felt from the android form.
And then she began.
"Ham, since you left to search for me the nature of our relationship has . . . how shall I put it? It's changed . . . it's developed from what you will rem
ember, it's different now."
He looked at her questioningly; cocking his head without thinking, and realizing immediately what he'd done he tried it again, repeating the action before asking, "In what way “developed”?"
Instead of explaining she stood, and tugged at him with her hands to help him rise unsteadily. In that moment of standing he looked down for the first time and realized he was naked. She didn't comment as she gently drew him to the bed and sat him there before stepping back to release the nub of her suit and stripping it in one practiced motion before kicking it away. His android form began to shiver immediately at the sight of her, and she waited a moment longer before joining him on the bed, lying beside him and then pulling him down to her. She whispered in his ear.
"Ham . . . my man, we are going to take this slowly, there is no hurry. We do have a lot to talk about and we have all the time we need, but first I have something to share with you; my gift, I give you myself, and I want it to be good for you."
* * *
Much later, in a post coitus cyber space meeting, two beautiful men stood silently for a while, just looking and taking each other's measure. Both seemed greatly impressed with what they saw. They shared a smile of self congratulation, the recognition of a job well done and then they high fived in an action that turned into a swirling spin, with the spin resolving into a single merged form.
Ham then walked to his command chair and made himself comfortable before extending an arm to link hands with Hilary. He opened to her and together they shared the data trail, horrors and victories, delights and disappointments until both were fully updated and ready. Then they turned their attention to Regan.
It was now her turn to merge.
* * *
Regan lay back on the bed and made herself comfortable. She was nervous and uncertain but then braced herself mentally for . . . what? What could be so bad?
[Are you ready babe?]
The glance sideways at Ham and Hilary was enough and Regan nodded assent before clasping her hands to her chest and waiting for just a second more. Closing her eyes she then reached out to the STEIN Traveler, to the Transport and then to herself, the figure she could see sitting and waiting there, clearly nervous too. There followed a moment of uncertain greeting, signals sent and received, confirmation followed by certainty then a feeling as if a child was leaping into her arms, desperate for security, and comfort . . . and then she blacked out, a deep tired sleep that led to dreams.
* * *
Walking across a large grassy lawn she could see figures in the distance entering a building. It had big double doors that swallowed them as the doors opened and closed, with person after person entering, but they were all too far away for her to see who they were.
There was the sense that she should be there too and so she began to run, but the building was far off and it took forever to reach the doors, or so it seemed, and anyway they remained closed to her when she got there. Pressing up to them she could see a small gap so she inserted her fingers and strained to pry the doors apart and gain entry. They were almost impossible to move until hauling on one side she created an opening, just large enough to press through and then the doors slammed shut behind her.
And immediately she had the sense that she didn't belong there in this huge space, with only a few people gathered and they were people she didn't know. Corridors stretched away from the foyer and in the distance of each she could see people entering rooms, talking and laughing, walking confidently, clearly knowing where they were, where they belonged . . . but not her. Running now to her left, she chased the remnant of the last group she could see and on reaching the doors to that room she cautiously peeked in. It was a conference of sorts, a business conference with hundreds gathered in groups talking and laughing, none of them familiar to her, some looking strangely in her direction. Making her way through the crowd she tried to ignore the growing feelings of disquiet, and the looks, unpleasant, unwelcoming, and even hostile. The feeling was of searching and searching for something, someone, she didn't know what and then she panicked, running from the room to the corridor and continuing down to the next room before repeating the process, growing ever more anxious with every minute that passed. Finding her way blocked at the end of this room, with the hundreds now turning and looking just at her, she wrapped her arms around herself and readied to scream, and then something caught her eye, the gracious lady and the beautiful man moving toward her through the crowd. The groups seemed to part for them as if they were royalty, and the pair shone with halo light. They didn't hesitate in their steps; they were coming for her, and her alone.
And then they were there beside her, taking her hands and turning with her toward the crowd. And suddenly everything was different, with the people smiling and looking for her hand, all wanting to talk, and greet her warmly. The gracious woman and man guided her from the room into the corridor and toward the foyer and as they walked she found herself flooded with a wonderful new sense of comfort and security that overwhelmed her.
And the thought came suddenly, and so completely it permeated her being . . .
It's going to be all right.
* * * * *
Chapter Two
Thirteen months later: The Orbital, Hillary Station, Year Eleven
They jogged together at a steady pace but with the sense that all five were preparing to break for home. The runners, Regan, Leah, Marin, Ham and Jared drew stares and greetings as they passed others also exercising in the rim tube.
Both she and Leah knew winning was hopeless but nevertheless they tried again, breaking away from the others one kilometer from home, picking up the pace and trying to fill the track space so they couldn't be passed. First Jared, then Ham flashed through and then Marin, sprinting vainly after the first two. In only a few strides they were gone, the gap opening quickly despite both women's best efforts to keep up.
[Dang they're quick.] Leah began to slow her stride and Regan matched her as they jogged on now at their own pace, already knowing the result. Ham would pace Jared all the way, working him harder and harder, turning him into a superb young athlete. Marin with his long stride would do his manly best to keep up but really, there was no chance and he knew it. And as always, she and Leah would pace themselves to the end, minds shifting to the shower, and the pleasure.
[That boy could run in the Olympics one day if he wanted to I reckon.] Regan subbed.
[Do you think that would interest him?] Leah asked, laughing at the thought.
Regan joined in the laughter. [No way, too much regimented training for Jared's liking. No, his interests lie elsewhere.]
[When is the big day for him?]
[For his neural web you mean? Soon - he's thirteen, Ham feels he's ready now and with the trip to Rigel coming up I want him to be fully recovered, in fact it's decided; we won't leave until he is.]
At just the mention of the star Rigel, Regan drifted off in her thoughts and Leah could tell immediately her mind was elsewhere. Long used to these somewhat rude abandonments she smiled and shook her head, still in wonder that Regan could surf cyber space in an instant and be reasonably present with her at the same time.
Meanwhile Regan had switched to autopilot, one part of her mind jogging, the other accessing the data stream and searching out vid feeds of the Rigel fleet. She could see them there floating together majestically just off the earthward end of Hillary Station; three huge ships, the Behemoth, the Ascendant and the passenger liner Fair Passage leased from Reubus. She followed the many shuttles as they zipped back and forth between the fleet and Hillary Station, ferrying colonists and crew backward and forward, as they took the opportunity to explore the Orbital and all its delights. There were eighteen hundred in total for this trip and they would be quickly followed by many more, all willing and able applicants eager to grab this opportunity for a new start, in an advanced society, with all the excitement that comes with it. They were mostly young, and with more women than men this would be quite a trip she kn
ew. Fortunately, thanks to Aaron, it wouldn't be a long journey.
Three steps would be required; three jumps through the portals plus short warp jumps between each station. Three weeks in total, and even with the high numbers aboard that would be very manageable.
Ham's number one enforcer and her sometimes bodyguard Brian Timu would be an interesting addition. Brian's crew of one hundred ex SAS and Marines would make a compact but powerful fighting force, small in numbers but immensely able, especially for the task she had in mind. Like the Gliese system, the Orion Nebula hadn't seen fighting for generations however Regan's most recent jumps there had shown her the peace would soon be broken, unless . . . they took the initiative and asserted themselves first. It still troubled her that she, Regan Stein, would make the first strike and at that thought she faltered in her stride before recovering and matching pace with Leah.
Mentally she then shifted her thoughts again and began to review her diary commitments for the next few days. As always Hilary had everything in order.
First she would need to jump through to the Gliese star system for a meeting with Ham's fellow Mind, Tihan of Tihan Orbital. Then, depending on the outcome of those discussions, she would meet with Aaron back at Hillary Station. Hmm, I wonder if Reubus will join Tihan for the meeting. She ground her teeth at the thought. The Orbital Minds of Gliese generally got on well but Reubus was clearly asserting himself.
Her thoughts shifted to the matters of home. And Jared; tomorrow is the day. We must make the decision if he is to be ready for the trip to Rigel, I must talk with Ham.